In this article we will focus on Monit which is a system monitoring and error recovery tool.

Let’s start with a simple question:

What is actually worth to be monitored?

Luckily the answer is also simple:

Everything what is critical to our business.

At application, service level it could be:

  • process existence
  • is the process responding on a given port
  • resources consumption
  • configuration file changes
  • logfiles existence

At system level one should consider the following:

  • filesystem checks
  • network monitoring
  • CPU monitoring

All those tasks can be accomplished with Monit, because it’s able to monitor:

  • Files and Directories
  • Disks
  • Processes
  • System
  • Hosts


Monit Installation on Gentoo

Install Monit on Gentoo with the following command:

emerge monit

On Gentoo You can always do a installation dry-run:

emerge --pretend monit

This basically says what would happen if You would install the given package

Installation From Source

Most packages (like the one on Ubuntu - contains Monit 5.6) are out of date. That’s why it’s recommended to install Monit from source.

Analyse this Docker image to learn how to install Monit on Ubuntu from source.

If you don’t want to visit that link, here is a short version:

apt-get install -y libssl-dev
cd /tmp/
curl '' -O
tar -xzvf monit-5.10.tar.gz
rm monit-5.10.tar.gz
cd monit-5.10/
./configure --bindir=/usr/bin/
make && make install
# Create required files
mkdir -p /var/lib/monit
# Make the init file executable
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/monit

File Structure

All Monit configuration files are kept inside of the /etc/monit directory.

A standard file structure, to which I got used to looks like this:

├── conf.d       - Monit configuration files
│   ├── apps     - in-house applications
│   ├── services - services like nginx, elasticsearch
│   ├── sys      - system related
│   └── disabled - all disabled
├── bin          - start/stop scripts
│   └── services - services like nginx, elasticsearch
├── monitrc      - main configuration file
├── monitrc.d    - directory with examples
└── templates

I assume that the application start/stop scripts are deployed together with the application codebase.
This way if developers change somethig in the application, Monit scripts don’t need to be adjusted (convention over configuration).

Just remember to force this standard.

Application Monitoring Script Template

A typical Monit scripts consists of the following parts:

  • binaries monitoring
  • configuration files monitoring
  • log files monitoring

An example is presented below:

 1 # Monit <application name> configuration
 3 check <application name> matching "<phrase which should exits in the ps output>"
 4     start program = "/bin/su <user> -c '/usr/lib/<application name>/current/bin/'"
 5     stop program  = "/bin/su <user> -c '/usr/lib/<application name>/current/bin/'"
 6     # CPU
 7     if cpu > 5% for 2 cycles then alert
 8     # RAM
 9     if mem > 80 MB for 5 cycles then alert
11 # Check if the application directory exists
12 check directory <application name>-dir path /usr/lib/<application name>/current/
13     if failed uid <user> then alert
14     if failed gid <user> then alert
15     if failed permission 0755 then alert
16     if does not exist then alert
18 # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
19 # Configuration
20 # Check if the configuration directory is present
21 check <application name>-conf-dir path /usr/lib/<application name>/current/config/
22     if failed uid <user> then alert
23     if failed gid <user> then alert
24     if failed permission 0775 then alert
25     if does not exist then alert
27 # Check if the unicorn configuration file is present
28 check <application name>-conf-file-unicorn with path /usr/lib/<application name>/current/config/unicorn.rb
29     if failed uid <user> then alert
30     if failed gid <user> then alert
31     if failed permission 0775 then alert
32     if does not exist then alert
33     if changed checksum then alert
35 # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
36 # Logs
37 # Check if the log file is present
38 check file <application name>-log-file path /var/log/<application name>/access.log
39     if failed uid <user> then alert
40     if failed gid <user> then alert
41     if failed permission 0644 then alert
42     if does not exist then alert

I would recommend to spend some time with Monit’s documentation.

Start/Stop Scripts

We all know that each application need an start script. The reason for that is the situation when the server get’s rebooted. The application should be able to come up automatically.

A good practice is to put the start/stop scripts to the same directory where the application is deployed.

The deployment should be adjusted so that it don’t interfere with Monit

Start Scripts for Ruby Applications

A sample Ruby start script template which uses RVM is presented below:

 1 #!/bin/bash
 3 # <application name> Start Script
 4 # This script is executed by the "<user>" user
 6 # Define the project directory
 7 project_directory='/home/<user>/<application name>'
 9 # Define ruby related details
10 ruby_version='ruby-2.0.0-p195'
11 ruby_gemset='<gemset name>'
14 # Start the application server
15 env LANG='en_US.UTF-8' \
16 rvm_path=$HOME/.rvm/ \
17 $HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell \
18 "$ruby_version@$ruby_gemset" \
19 -c "cd $project_directory/current; RAILS_ENV=production $project_directory/current/bin/unicorn -c $project_directory/current/config/unicorn.rb -E production -D"

And just the relevant part for a Sinatra application:

# Start the application server
env LANG='en_US.UTF-8' \
rvm_path=$HOME/.rvm/ \
$HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell \
"$ruby_version@$ruby_gemset" \
-c "cd $project_directory/current; bundle exec rackup $project_directory/current/ --env staging --pid $project_directory/current/tmp/pids/ --port 8080  >> /var/log/<application name>/out.log 2>> /var/log/<application name>/error.log &"

The most important part here is the usage of rvm-shell which syntax looks like this:

rvm-shell "<ruby version>@<ruby gemset>" -c "<command which starts the ruby process>"

Debugging Monit Configurations

Now that we know where to put our configuration files let’s see how we can debug/test them.

The first thing we need to do is adjust Monit’s poll cycle length in the /etc/monit/monitrc file:

set daemon 10 # Number in seconds

This value represents the time which Monit sleeps after each check. We need to keep it low for debugging purposes.

Then add a configuration file /etc/monit/conf.d/apps/monit-test-app.conf with the following content:

check process monit-test-app with pidfile "/usr/lib/monit-test-app/pids/"
  start = "/usr/lib/monit-test-app/bin/"
  if does not exist then start

Enable it by adding the following line to /etc/monit/monitrc:

include /etc/monit/conf.d/apps/*.conf

Our application start script is located under /usr/lib/monit-test-app/bin/ and looks like this:

 1 #!/bin/bash
 3 application_name='monit-test-app'
 4 script_dirirectory="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
 5 application_dirirectory=$script_dirirectory/..
 7 log_file="/var/log/$application_name/stdout.log"
 8 pid_file="/var/run/$"
10 echo -e "\n`date +"%y%m%d %H:%M:%S"` - start script" >> $log_file
12 echo $BASHPID >> $pid_file
14 echo "`date +"%y%m%d %H:%M:%S"` - sleep 5s" >> $log_file
15 sleep 5
17 echo "`date +"%y%m%d %H:%M:%S"` - remove pid file" >> $log_file
18 rm $pid_file

Remember to make the script executable chmod u+x /usr/lib/monit-test-app/bin/

Finally start Monit with (if not already started):

service monit start # or: /etc/init.d/monit start

And reload Monit’s configuration:

monit reload

Monit should start the over and over again.

Check if Monit does it’s job by checking the logs:

$ tail -f /var/log/monit.log /var/log/monit-test-app/*
==> /var/log/monit.log <==
[UTC Nov 27 08:07:57] error    : 'monit-test-app' process is not running
[UTC Nov 27 08:07:57] info     : 'monit-test-app' start: /usr/lib/monit-test-app/bin/

==> /var/log/monit-test-app/stdout.log <==

141127 08:07:57 - start script
141127 08:07:57 - sleep 5s
141127 08:08:02 - remove pid file

==> /var/log/monit.log <==
[UTC Nov 27 08:08:27] error    : 'monit-test-app' failed to start (exit status 0) -- no output
[UTC Nov 27 08:08:37] error    : 'monit-test-app' process is not running
[UTC Nov 27 08:08:37] info     : 'monit-test-app' start: /usr/lib/monit-test-app/bin/

I also like to keep an eye on Monit’s summary in a separate terminal:

$ watch -n1 'monit summary'
Every 1.0s: monit summary                                                                                                                                                            Thu Nov 27 00:47:43 2014

The Monit daemon 5.10 uptime: 26m

Process 'monit-test-app'            Execution failed
System '6934259efb99'               Running

Sometimes it’s helpful to run Monit in a verbose mode. Simply change the init file with this command:

sed -i 's/^MONIT_OPTS=$/MONIT_OPTS="-v"/' /etc/init.d/monit

And restart Monit so that the change can take place:

service monit restart

Useful Monit Commands

  • List all commands

      monit -h
  • Get Monit summary

      monit summary
  • Disable/unmonitor a service

      monit unmonitor <service name>

    If You want to disable the service permanently You can move the appropriate file to the /etc/monit/conf.d/disabled directory and then reload Monit with

      monit reload
  • View Monit logs

      tail -f /var/log/monit.log
